All Pullman campus operations are delayed two hours until 10:00 a.m. Thursday, February 14, 2019 due to icy conditions. All classes, activities and events beginning prior to 10:00 a.m. are cancelled.
Facilities crews are applying deicer and gravel throughout WSU Pullman, which will allow for easier travel this morning. All personnel not directly responsible for snow/ice removal and are not considered essential personnel are asked to stay off campus for their own safety.
Employees are encouraged to be aware of personnel processes for periods of inclement weather. Human Resource Services has posted many resources on the Inclement Weather & Suspended Operations website. Students should communicate with their instructors regarding course expectations. Students, staff and faculty are asked to make their own personal decision to decide whether or not it it safe to travel to campus at 10am.
To receive university emergency notifications, which include weather delays and closures, students, faculty and staff are instructed to opt-in to WSU Alerts by logging into their myWSU account at and clicking on “Profile,” “Emergency Notification” and “Update Now!”