Rain and snowmelt may cause localized flooding issues this week. A change in the weather pattern this week will bring above freezing temperatures to much of the region and the potential for significant rainfall to far eastern Washington. With widespread low elevation snow across the Palouse, there is the possibility for small stream and urban flooding with this weather pattern. Temperatures are expected be above freezing from Tuesday through Thursday. The system is also expected to bring about three inches of rain to the Palouse region. The potential impacts from the snowmelt and rainfall runoff include ponding of water where storm drains or ditches are clogged with snow and ice, ponding of water in low lying areas with poor drainage or frozen ground, and possible ice jams on small creeks that have frozen over. While no major river flooding is forecast at this time, this is an evolving forecast and should be monitored regularly for updates. If possible, clear gutters and drains. Do not drive through standing water on roads or in parking lots. For more information, see the National Weather Service at http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/otx/
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