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There are no WSU Pullman alerts.

WSU Pullman Alerts

There are no active alerts.

I got a text, call or email from WSU Alert. What should I do next?

  • CONFIRM that you received the message.  If you are asked to confirm receipt of the message, please do so.  This is important as it helps us know if the message is getting out to the campus community.
  • Follow the instructions given in the message, assessing your personal situation.  This will vary depending on the circumstances.
  • Go to the WSU ALERT website (, call the WSU Informational Hotline (509-335-2345) or check other official internal sources to get more information on what is happening and what you should do in response. We can only provide a brief bit of information in the WSU Alert message so you will want to get more details on the situation.
  • Follow the instructions of emergency personnel and comply with your unit’s emergency procedures as appropriate.

I heard the Siren/PA system on campus. What should I do?

  • Pay attention. The sirens will always be followed by a voice message.
  • Follow the voice instructions.  Be alert and pay attention to what is happening around you.
  • If you cannot hear or understand the voice instructions from the PA system, the default is always to seek shelter first, and then get more information from the WSU Alert website, WSU Informational hotline or other official sources. 
  • Follow the instructions of emergency personnel and comply with your unit’s emergency procedures as appropriate.

What should I NOT do when I get a message or hear the sirens?

  • Do not ignore the message.  You won’t get one unless it is important, so pay attention and be alert!
  • Please don’t get on your cell or land-line phone and call your family/friends to talk to them about what is going on.  WSU and Pullman have limited phone resources that can be easily overwhelmed due to high volume use.  Please stay off your phone as much as possible; lines and cell phone capacity will be needed to get the word out to the campus community about the emergency, as well as for critical emergency communications.
  • Ask your friends and family to not call you during an emergency.  The same issues apply from above to incoming calls from outside the area.  Ask them, instead, if they hear about an emergency at WSU to go to the WSU ALERT website ( for information.  Ask them to not call the University for more information during the emergency. The best place for current and accurate information will be the WSU ALERT website.